
Creating in the Clubhouse - Starters: Thinking Like Designers

November 1, 2003

The Prompts tool is a way to guide conversations about artwork and design. The questions are meant to encourage individuals and groups to think about what they are creating and to reflect on their goals and choices as they are working. The prompts are built around basic questions, like "What are you building?" "Why are you doing it?" "Who is it for?" and "How are you doing it?" They encourage thoughts about the expressive or communicative dimensions of a project or piece of artwork as well as the technical skills and tools Clubhouse regulars will need to move forward.

Clubhouse Creations Poster
To help everyone have a shared understanding that the Clubhouse can be a place for creative expression, it may be useful to make a Clubhouse Creations Poster. When working on a project or piece of art, it's easy to forget the basics. Making a visual reminder of guiding questions can help.

A Storyboard also can be a useful tool. It is a visual representation of an idea, event, or experience in the order that it happens or unfolds. To storyboard an idea, event, or experience is similar to a series of single film shots making up a dramatic unit or episode of a story. When developing a project or drawing out a budding idea, creating a storyboard can help to visualize the order or sequence by illustrating what comes first, second, etc.

Creating in the Clubhouse: Thinking About Creativity